…….many lists! What to clean, what to purchase, what to install, what to research – there’s a list for everything. Over Memorial Day weekend, Dennis installed our AIS (Automatic Identification System). It functions as an “overlay” on our Maptech (electronic charts running on a laptop at helm). This will allow us to see commercial boat traffic as well as any other pleasure boats having AIS and will also allow our boat to be visible to ships and boats with AIS. One picture shows Dennis pulling VHF coax wire for the AIS unit. Brian and John, two friends from the marina, showed up to help. I asked them to all say, “I love technology” for the picture. You can see by the look on Den’s face that at that moment the unit wasn’t working yet! Turns out that turning everything off and then on again also works in this case.
Meanwhile, as the weather has sometimes been a little different from the Florida weather to which she’s grown accustomed(!), Ivy often prefers sitting in front of the heater while Nelson is the only using the sunbathing pad on the bow. I’m checking out whether these bedspreads and shams will fit the forward cabin bunks … definitely one of the more fun jobs on the list.