Starting Trent-Severn

After waiting out the strong winds coming across the lake on Sunday, we left Trent Port Marina on Monday, June 24.

The first lock at Trent had an 18-foot vertical lift. One small boat joined us.

Den at stern at a lock with Nelson supervising.

On Monday, we made it through 8 locks (whew) and stayed on the wall of a remote one called called Percy Reach. We were the only boat above the lock. (One sailboat was below.) Very pleasant spot. Only downside was being unable to open many windows on boat at night in order to prevent unwanted visitors from the family of racoons we saw crossing the lock bridge! Pictures show how lock workers manually open doors of lock after water has filled. Not all locks are manual, but this one still is.

Ranney Falls Locks 11 and 12 are pretty impressive – a 48-foot vertical lift.

Picture below shows giant “Toonie,” the Canadian two-dollar coin, in park at Campbellford. Because we wanted to make it to Hastings before rain, we were unable to stop at at Campbellford to visit what is known as the “best bakery in Canada.” More on that later.

We docked on wall above Hastings Lock 18 that evening, Tuesday, June 25. We were walking the dogs on the sidewalk near the boat when a man and young girl came up to us saying, “Here is your donut delivery.” It was a lockmaster from one of the locks who I’d been chatting with about not being able to stop at Campbellford. He knew we were ending up in Hastings near where he lived and had made a run to the bakery for his family anyway after which he and his daughter brought us a couple of the famous donuts!

On Wednesday, June 26, we crossed Rice Lake and made our way to Peterborough Municipal Marina. Power, water, internet, groceries, and fuel! Below is picture of the fountain/geyser in bay by marina.